I'm experienced in running online hand drawn mapping workshops for both adults and children.  The workshops can be themed to tie in with a chosen subject matter but concentrate on the mapping of an imaginary world or reflect a personal experience metaphorically as a map.  Online workshops last 40 minutes.  Materials required are some A4 paper and mark making tools of choice.

'Map of an Ideal World' - an online workshop designed for children as part of the Big Draw Festival 2021. The Courtauld Institute.

As part of the workshop, participants will:
- consider and plan the world they would like to map. 
- start to draw the map using the plan as reference.
- learn how to create basic decorative compass roses, cartouches and neatlines.
- learn how to use markmaking to create a variety of terrain, vegetation and water features.
- be invited to share their maps with others using it as a vehicle for storytelling, if time.

I provide examples of my own maps or historical examples where applicable.

'Escape from Coronaland' - an online workshop designed for small business owners for Brighton Chamber of Commerce.

Recent online workshops include:
2021 'Mapping Imaginary Worlds': Online family workshop, The Courtauld Institute
2021 'Escape from Coronaland': Online Hand Drawn Allegorical Mapping workshop, Brighton Chamber

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